Sleep Essentials


Sleep is essential to great health. We need sleep to rejuvenate, grow, repair and to restore. When there are sleep issues, the body is indicating that something is off balance. The underlying cause needs to be identified and handled, with the goal of restoring the ideal sleep rhythm.

Restful and restorative sleep is essential to feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Yet for so many, achieving a good night's sleep can be difficult.

Insomnia occurs due to an interruption of the physiological processes that induce sleep. There are many possible causes, including excessive worry, chronic pain or blood sugar abnormalities

Hormonal imbalances are another factor that can affect healthy sleep. Adrenal, reproductive and thyroid hormones, all have the ability negatively impact our sleep-inducing biochemicals, such as melatonin.

Steps to better sleep :

  • Exercise earlier in the day
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine later in the day
  • Reduce the room temperature
  • Eat a small amount of protein before bed if blood sugar abnormalities are affecting sleep
  • Create regular sleep and wake times
  • Avoid TV and phones 1 hour prior to sleep
  • Herbs such as Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Skullcap, and Passionflower have a gentle sedative effect
  • Taking magnesium before bed can help muscles relax
  • Dim the lights in the evening to naturally induce melatonin production
  • Sleep in the dark or use an eye mask

At SEN, we recommend our REST or CALM blends to be part of a relaxing evening ritual. These blends are infused with calming, sedative herbs, traditionally used to aid in relaxation and sleep.

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Balancing Ayurvedic Vata Energy With EASE


Ayurveda originates in India, and is the world’s oldest system of holistic healing. According to Ayurveda, we are made up of a combination of the five basic elements found in nature; space, air, fire, water and earth. These elements combine to form 'doshas', or 'life forces', which create our individual constitution.

  • Vata Dosha (space and air)
  • Pitta Dosha (fire and water)
  • Kapha Dosha (water and earth)

Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas, one usually being more dominant. When the doshas are out of balance, we may become ill. Ayurveda is based on the understanding that true wellness depends on a delicate balance between the mind, body and spirit. Therefore ensuring our dosha is in harmony is essential.

Vata dosha (space and air) is thought to be the most powerful of the doshas. The qualities of vata are :

  • Light
  • Cold
  • Dry
  • Rough
  • Agitated
  • Hard

If vata is your main lifeforce, and it is out of balance, you are more likely to develop :

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Bloating and Constipation
  • Asthma
  • Heart Disease
  • Nervous system disorders including insomnia
  • Skin issues
  • Athritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

To bring the vata dosha into balance, consuming foods and drinks that contain the following qualities, counteract the dry, cold, airy nature of the vata energy :

  • Warming
  • Nourishing
  • Cooked
  • Moist
  • Mildly Spiced

SEN Tea’s EASE is the perfect blend for a vata balancing effect. The herbs in this tea - ginger, licorice, fennel and lemongrass, are all beneficial for this dosha. This blend is warming, soothing, spicy and nourishing. Those that resonate with the vata dosha, will find this tea to be very grounding, with a calming effect on the nervous and digestive systems.

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Detoxifying Herbs


Everyday living in our modern society exposes us to an array of toxins, not only from our environment, but the food we eat, the water we drink, and the products we use on our bodies. If we are not mindful of actively minimising these toxins through practicing a healthy and toxin free lifestyle, then our bodies soon become overloaded, which can then result in different disease states. Signs and symptoms that your body needs to cleanse can include fatigue, frequent infections, poor digestion, mood disorders and hormonal imbalance. Cleansing and detoxifying herbal teas can help to support and encourage your body's natural detoxification processes. Some of our favourites include :

  • Dandelion - This herb is well known for its detoxification properties and has a long history of supporting the health of the liver and kidneys. The roots have been shown to detoxify the liver, and the leaves have a diuretic effect, helping the kidneys to flush out excess water from the body, reducing puffiness and other signs of fluid retention such as bloating and swelling.

  • Licorice - Glycyrrhizin is the active compound in licorice shown to inhibit liver cell injury caused by toxins and chemicals. Licorice has anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe and heal the digestive tract. It is also great for clearing the throat and lungs of mucus due to its function as an expectorant.

  • Nettle - Nettle aids detoxification by its metal chelating action to help remove heavy metals from the body. It is also known as a lymphatic herb as it stimulates the lymphatic system by removing wastes. It's mild diuretic properties help to relieve fluid retention and increase the output of uric acid throughout the kidneys, improving gout and arthritis. This herb is known as a blood cleanser, or depurative, which means it clears toxins from the blood. This can help to heal and improve skin health.

  • Calendula - Calendula helps cleanse the lympathic system in a number of different ways, including reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system and relieving infection. Its anti-inflammatory action can be used to reduce inflamed lymph nodes, to support their function in flushing out toxins, and fighting infections. Calendula is also known as a cholagogue, which means that it increases bile flow to help support digestion. Another function of Calendula is as a depurative, which gives it the ability to purify the blood, and help to move lymphatic fluid through sluggish lymph glands.

For a gentle delicious detox tea try PURIFY or GLOW.

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